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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, May 28, 2022Time:10:30 Eastern William "Bill" Zierer Living Estate Auction Saturday May 28th 10:30 am ( Preview 9 :30 am) 215 South Liberty Hill Rd. (corner of Morris Blvd and Liberty Hill) Old Berkline Building Morristown, Tennessee 37813 Mr Zierer is one of the most active collectors we have ever done an auction for. Its a 50 year collection of many different categories. There are so many items that are not listed. We will add to the listing and photos Friday before the auction. We have a small delay due to an internet problem with photos. I can guarantee this will be one of the best auctions you have ever attended and there is so much more. This living estate consist of vintage garage find autos, fine upscale furniture, oriental carpets, sterling flatware, coke machine, conference table, early Greene County fireside bench, Lipstick sofa, barber chair, brass cash register, Schwinn Black Phantom, much early folk art, Jazzbo Jim windup, advertising signs, early bikes and velocipedes, fine paintings, large group of leather chairs, Seeburg C jukebox, coin-op dancing model machine on stand, early sailboat weathervane, china and glass, advertising tins, leather sofa, 20th Century block front chest, early musical instruments, foundry patterns, early wood trunks, Nautical homemade chair, Masonic chairs , local advertising, book cases, twin bedroom suite, cedar chest, early handmade doll house with furniture, wicker pull along child cart, good smalls, Large decorative mirrors, sawing man whirligig, cast iron toy stove, Stein collection, toy stoves,dinning table and chairs ,Lucky The Happy Horse coin op child's riding horse, Black Valley RR broadside, fine prints, double inlaid stack book case, Ex-Lax thermometer, occupational trade signs, large store display cabinets, house hold items plus much more Garage Find Autos- 1953 Chrysler Crown Imperial with fully automatic transmission with matching numbers app. 60k miles ,1941 Dodge Businessmans Couple ready for restoration, 1936 C 10 Chrysler Airflow original aluminum head , restoration in progress straight 8 one head, Dwarf race car styled like a 1940 Dodge with a 1200 cc Yamaha engine with trailer, 1926 Model T race car with period custom head and intake and exhaust , straight 4 Sale location- Please park at the rear of the Berkline building and enter at the side door. There is parking on two levels. Everyone will be able to pull up to the building to load. 215 South Liberty Hill Rd. (corner of Morris Blvd and Liberty Hill) Terms- Cash or check . 10% buyers fee . No sales tax on this one except the cars and you will pay that when you register them Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer #2476 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Announcements day of sale take precedent over presale Advertising.
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