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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020Time:noon Robert Kelley Ward Estate Gun Auction "132 long and short guns plus ammo and accessories " Saturday Dec. 5th Noon( preview 10 am) 1692 Enterprise Road Piney Flats, Tn 37686 Mr. Ward was an avid collector of shotguns, rifles, handguns and much more. All items will sell to the highest bidder on the day of the auction. A list of the guns is provided below but not the ammo and accessories. Bidders will pay for their purchases the day of the auction and on Tuesday following the day of sale plus the rest of the week you will pick up your items will be ready at the following FFL dealer. If you have any questions about transfer please direct it to them even if you hold an FFL. Cover your 6 Customs 3317 Wayfield Dr. #4 (They are behind Chaparral Buick and GMC) Johnson CIty, Tn. 37601 423-268-2060 There charge is 30.00 first gun and 10.00 on each gun after. Due to the virus anyone who enters the auction property must wear a mask. "Must Wear a Mask" If you have been sick or around anyone that has been you may phone bid. Please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net if you wish to do this at least 48 hours before the auction Cash or local check. 10% Buyers Fee. No sales tax due to this being and estate. All items will sell as is. Parking is tough at this location. We can park about 50 cars in the front yard. If you park in the front yard you will be there for the duration of the two hour auction. Prepare to stay put. You can also park on Enterprise Rd wherever you can find a parking place.. If you pass the sale location and go over the bridge there is TVA parking at a boat ramp for about 40 cars. Its about 100 yard from auction site. For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available. 1. REM 11-87 12g 2. RUGER M-77 .243 3. H&K MP-5 9MM 4. KEL TEC PLR 16 .5.56 5. CATAMOUNT FURY 12 G 6. RUGER MIN 1-14 .223 7. MOSIN NAGANT 7.62X54 8. WINCHESTER 101 20G 9. WINCHESTER 74 225L 10. WINCHESTER 74 225LR 11. MI GARAND 30-06 12. SWEDE MAUSER 6.5 X 55 13. BULGARIAN AK-47 7.62 X 39 14. CROSSMAN 776 BB 15. RUSSIAN AK 47 7.62 X 39 16. BROWNING A BOLT 300 WINDMEG 17. CROSSMAN 10-17 BB 18. SAIGA AK 7.62 X 39 19. VEGA ARMS DIAMOND DOUBLE 20. PIONEER ARMS PPS 43 7.62 X 25 21. RUSSIAN AK PISTOL 7.64 X 39 22. ROMANIAN AK 47 5.45 X 39 23. ERIC AK 7.62 X 39 24. FNSCAR 308 25. ARMALITE AR 10 308 26. ARSENAL SLR 95 7.62 X 39 27. DPMS A-15 .223 28. ARSENAL SLR 105R 5.45 X 39 29. MARLIN ARMS 1895G 45-70 30. MARLIN ARMS 1895 LTD 45-70 31. SAIGA 12G 32. PALMETTO PA-15 .556 33. PARMIL ROMANIAN AK 5.45 X 39 34. PAW COMANDO .223 35. WINCHESTER MOD 74 22 SHORT 36. WINCHESTER MOD 61 .22 37. REMINGTON MOD 700 .308 38. WINCHESTER MOD 44 .22 SHORT 39. KRAG 1908 30-40CAL 40. MARLIN MOD 375 WIN 41. SPRINGFIELD KRAG 1896 30-40-CAL 42. REMINGTON 597 22 CAL 43. BENELLI 5-90 12G 44. REMINGTON 11-48 410 45. RUGER M-77 7.57 46. HK 91 308 47. RUGER CARBINE 44MAG 48. CARL GUSTAFS 6.5X55 49. WINCHESTER 74 22 SHORT 50. WINCHESTER 101 12G 51. BROWNING A-5 12G 52. CAA-AK 7.62X 39 53. WINCHESTER M-X150 50CAL ML 54. BROWNING M-2000 12G 55. CENTURY ARMS AK 7.62X 39 56. DOUBLE STAR 15 .223CAL 57. SAVAGE M 93 22 MAG 58. LLUNGMAN 6.5X55 59. COLT AR-15 A2 .223 60. NORINCO MAK-90 7.62X39 61. ROMANIAN AK 7.62X39 62. BROWNING BAR 338 WINCHESTER 63. BENELLI H&K SUPER 90 12G 64. BROWNING AUTO 22 65. PALMETO PA15 223 66. DAEWOO DR 200 223 67. REMINGTON 11-48 28G 68. SPRINGFIELD SAR 48 308 69. RUGER M77 257 ROBERTS 70. NORINCO AK 7.62X39 71. DIAMOND IMPERIAL O/U 12G 72. H&R TOPPER 12G 73. PTR 91 AK PISTOL 7.62X39 74. S&W MOD 27 357 MAG 75. S&W MOD 686 357 MAG 76. S&W MOD 242 38 CAL 77. S&W MOD 10 38 CAL 78. S&W MOD 29 44 MAG 79. S&W MOD 27 357 MAG 80. S&W MOD 29 44 MAG 81. TAURUS MOD 651 357 MAG 82. MAKAROV 9 X 18 M (BOLIVIAN) 83. PARAORDINANCE P-14 45 CAL 84. MAKAROV GERMAN 9X18 MM 85. GLOCK MOD 20 10MM 86. BROWNING HIGH POWER 9MM 87. MILL INC PINEY FLATTS TN 45/70 CAL 88. SATA 35 89. DAVIS O/U 38 CAL 90. RUGER OLD ARMY 45 CAL 91. S&W M-686 357 92. S&W M-19 357 93. S&W M-66 357 94. S&W M-60 357 95. BROWNING HIGH POWER 9MM(INGLIS) 96. S&W 686 357MAG 97. RUGER VAQUERO 45 98. TAURUS 357MAG 99. MILL PINEY FLATTS TN 410/45 100. NORINCO M-54 9X18 101. TAURUS M-327 102. PW ARMS 9X18 103. RUGER MARK 2 22CAL 104. S&W M-28 357 105. COLT 1911 45CAL 106. S&W BODYGUARD .380 107. COBRAY PM-9 9MM 108. CZ 52 7.62 109. GLOCK M-30 45CAL 110. TAURUS M-444 44MAG 111. SEG P-229 40CAL 112. EAA WITNESS 10MM 113. SHE68 FLARE GUN 114. 1942 US PROPERTY FLARE GUN 115. CHECH M-CZ-E2 9MM AS IS 116. RUGER SP101 327 FED 117. BARETTA 1942 380 118. SPRINGFIELD XD45 119. SPRINGFIELD 40 WIN 120. S&W MP45 121. N AMERICAN ARMS 22 MAG 122. TAURUS JUDGE 45-410 123. S&2 MP45 124. TAURUS M-727 327 FED 125. SPRINGFIELD XD 9MM 126. S&W 686 357M 127. SIG 226 9MM 128. GLOCK M21 10MM 129. TAURUS 557 357MAG 130. GLOCK 29 10MM 131. PARAORDINANCE P16 40CAL 132. GLOCK M22 40CAL For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available.
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