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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Monday, September 7, 2009Time:11:00 a.m. Labor Day Auction- Monday September 7th 11:00 a.m. We will be adding more photos the entire week before the auction and also more to the listing. Keep an eye on : http://sterlingsold.com/dynamic/gallery/Labor+Day+Auction-++Monday+September++7th++11%3A00+a.m./2009-09-07 Kentucky Collection, Local Estate, and Much More. Labor Day Auction-Monday 11:00 a.m. PARTIAL LISTING--Massive Victorian wardrobe, Chickering Baby Grand piano, stack bookcases, Massive Victorian sidboard, early leaded glass lamps, collection of quilts (many African-American), country pie safe is green paint, French inlaid table, stoneware and pottery, handmade carpets, early toys, collection of R S Prussia, Davenport desk, hooked rugs, massive walnut Victorian bookcase, Sterling dresser set, Custom Denim pit group from the Charles Tilley collection,iron outdoor furniture, Queen Anne golden oak table and chairs, Victorian walnut library desk, collection of snow sleds, advertising signs, rosewood dresser, large Victorian sofa, oil painting and prints, Italian marble top console table, folk art and pottery, set of 8 rose carved dining chairs, early tester bed, flow blue, Nippon, Victorian gold jewelry, collection of souvenir spoons, wicker baby buggy, punched tin lantern, Oriental items, Native American Rugs, Victorian lusters, Hen and Rooster knife, jasperware door knob set, hand painted German portrait plates, Arts and crafts copper and silver vase, bride’s basket, Mt. Washington canister, Lladro figures, Royal Rudolstadt, depression glass, Royal Doulton, Baccarat candlesticks, Royal Worchester, Royal Albert, Knowles Fairy Tale plates, Lenox eight place setting (pattern #80) Sterling napkin rings, Stangl pitcher, linens, Fenton, Boyds bear, Ashton Drake doll/train, Lenox nativity, Fitz and Floyd, cut and pressed glass, costume jewelry, Quimper, collection of bisque figurines, sterling tea strainer, micro mosaic portrait, upscale modern doll collection, group of English ceramics, Wedgwood jug, accordans, iris glass,two oak wardrobes, cast iron decorative fencing, Victorian loveseat, upscale modern bedroom furniture, antique mantle clock, collection of antique walking sticks, Serves portrait plate, Hummels, collector plates, stamp collection,RCA Maxfield Parrish wooden radio doll, sterling dresser set, Cloisonné jars, Nippon nut set, silver rounds,Watt pottery, fine china and crystal, Mary Gregory picture, French bronze ink well, comic books, books, Stamps, Victorian glass, child’s cupboard, estate box lots and more. Sale will be conducted at our Auction Gallery. Cash or check 10% B.P. Preview 10:00 a.m.kimballsterling@earthlink.net Kimball M. Stering Inc-TFL-1915 125 W. Market St. Johnson City, TN
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