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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Monday, September 5, 2011Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern This sale will begin at 11:00 am on Labor Day Monday. Sullivan County Tennessee Jackson press, carved oak china cabinets, pottery, ivory Drs. doll, large porcelain Gulf Gas sign, antique toys, Many styles of glassware and china, walnut flat wall cupboard. Oak roll top desk. Oak office cabinets, fine paintings, canes, antique double barrel shot gun, stamp collection, Hummels, Nippon, dolls. 5 drawer spool cabinet, early cherry and walnut chest, Early Victorian bed, one drawer stands, costume jewelry, Antique emerald and diamond ladies ring, wicker, early primitive acorn bed, empire style dining room suite, mahogany curved glass corner cabinet, sterling and early plate, blue and white Canton platter, collection of scale model cars, Fostoria, advertising and country store items, collection of outboard motors ,oak highboy and other fine oak furniture, Victorian bookcases, hundreds of smalls, Putnam dye case, French cabinet, Antique salt water fishing rig, Federal style sofa, maple twin bedroom suite, early Masonic items, art glass lusters, country drop leaf table, crocks, sets of fine china , cookie jars, clocks, coins, great walnut gun cabinet, table top pinball machine, early coin operated cigarette machine, upscale used furniture, Italian ceramic birds, massive painter ironstone punch bowl, erotic carving, small stained glass, early pressed glass, walnut lazy Susan table, prints, tintypes , clay marbles, salt and pepper collection, electric wheel chairs, collection of folk art, quilts, brass apple butter kettles, grandfather clock Victorian tables with marble, classic antique rocking chairs, really nice 1940s dining room suite, occasional chairs, sterling hollowware, Federal chest, and much more Preview 10:00 a.m. Cash or check 10% buyer's fee in house
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