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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012Time:10:00 a.m. The family has decided to sell the 700 square foot cabin which has been in the family since the day it was built. It must be moved from location in 45 days and the ground underneath sewed and seeded. A 3000 cash performance bond will be required. To see this cabin please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net, It will sell at noon on the auction day, Here is a link to some photos: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915/296745763700603#!/photo.php?fbid=340416499333529&set=a.340416466000199.75793.296745763700603&type=1&theater Large Jonesborough Estate Auction - Five generations of Antiques and Farm and Household Items March 24th 10:00 a.m. 116 Creasey Creek Rd. Jonesboroughm Tn Corner of 11E and Creasey Creek. SOME OF THE QUILTS, just click on one and they will change: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915/296745763700603?skip_nax_wizard=true#!/photo.php?fbid=332472440127935&set=a.332472363461276.74261.296745763700603&type=1&theater Just today we found an Aero Squadron uniform from WWI with painted helment, pennant, hat and leggins plus some very personal items for Capt, Patton from Washington County Tennesee. Those will be loaded on the site later. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Details coming soon on this old Tennessee Estate. Contents of the home place, including fine furniture, Tennessee furniture, large quilt collection (about 40) of which all have been made by this family for generations, costume jewelry, baskets, great iron, early doll collection, some guns, iron Mt. stoneware, saltglaze, horse drawn surrey depot hack with six seats, fine china and glass from many fields, trunks full of early whites, fine local pottery (including a cobalt Decker tulip two gallon crock with handles and much more , Victorian glass, fine china and glass, grand father clock, oak sellers cabinet with sifter, oak ice box, great set of Mid Century Modern living room set including sofa and tables, cherry drop leaf table, primitive utilitarian items, paintings, toy train, Tennessee blanket chest (two), depression glass, some sterling, one and two drawer Tennessee stands, wonderful antique primitive beds, early Tennessee chairs, Victorian sewing machine, pie safes and jelley cupboards, harvest tables (a great one), Federal Chest, sewing items........ You will walk through family generations from primitives, Federal, Empire, Victorian, Oak, Depression, Mid Century Modern, and Modern in furniture and collectables. It is unbelievable! The primitves are still located on the site in the original 1793 log house which has always been in the family on the family farm. The house is heated by an original Telford Stove Works wood step stove. Cash or Check 10% BP Preview 9:00 a.m. morning of the auction
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