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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Monday, September 7, 2015Time:11:00 AM Eastern Labor Day Monday Auction September 7 11:am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee 37604 " Many items yet to be unpacked, Great items" Fine furniture,Native american rugs, Walnut corner cupboard, Sterling, Large vintage battery toy collection, Oak and brass 8 drawer National cash floor model register, Vintage Juke Boxes, sterling silver, fine antique jewelry,rare coverlet collection including one with train, Early antique toys, fine Violins, fine china and glass, Early Sampler, Hendredon breakfront,hundreds of smalls, large group of Cash Family pottery, coins,Large library of antique and unusual books, Restored one Horse sleigh, Gibson acoustic guitar, Art, Chinese hand-made 9 x 12 carpet,Large reverse painting of George and Martha Washington, Indian style blankets ,carpets, Coin-op machines,Cloisonne vase,set of early candy store scales, a great collection of unusual smalls from a Philadelphia estate, Early Colt pistol, Muzzle loading Kentucky rifle, National 317 Candy store register, Corner cupboard and early Va. furniture plus much more . There is no coin op flipper in this sale . It is a coin op boat which has been restored. Cash or check 10% BP,, Preview 10 am
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