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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021Time:10 am Guns, Fishing items including 13 Ft. Sears Aluminum Boat, Old Cars, Tools Tools Tools of Mr. Fred McNicol Saturday June 26th 10 am ( Preview 9 am) Rain or shine 170 Rock House Rd ( about 7 miles out of JC on Cherokee toward Lamar then turn left on Rock House Road) Jonesborough, Tn ( really Lamar) Lots of hand and long guns ( S&W models 36 and 30,Rossi 12 ga. double, Pre 1960 Winchester 94 30/30,Browing High Power 9mm Mint in box, Ruger 44 Blackhawk, British 303,Two Ruger Singles 6's, Remington 550 22 Auto, plus a few early doubles by various makers, collection of BB guns and more)1971 Ford Econoline van, 1996 Dodge Van, 1991 Toyota,13 foot Sears alum river fishing boat with 3hp Evinrude motor with trailer, another 15 hp Evinrude, Cars will be listed later but see photos below, 1971 Econoline van, large Farm Hand Cast Iron air compressor, Craftsman stacking tool box, saws, Jacks, camping items, Fisher wood burning stove, early Zippo lighters, Artemos transistor radio, large group of pistol grips. wood chipper, power saws and wood working equipment, Both vintage fresh and salt water rods and reals, mowers, Western gun and knife holsters with Conchos. large collection of various knives, 60 gallon Sears shop vac, small anvils, cast iron chain, Fly rods and tackle boxes full, drill press, planner, Early set of Drug Store candy scales, plus much much more. Lots of surprises. File cabinets, some lumber, BB guns, trunks, and more. This is only a very partial listing. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. In state gun buyers 21 or older with proper ID may take their guns with them the day of the auction after a back round search for felony convictions. Out of state buyers will have to pay for their guns and pick them up at the FFL that we use on the following week.
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