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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014Time:10:00am Fred Holloway Estate Auction Antiques, Woodworking Shop, Household and More Sat. September 13th. 10:00am 3711 East Mtn View Rd ( One block off of Bristol Highway near Zekes) Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 A nice local estate with lots of goodies. Fred was a collector and a great repairman for many years in the area as well as a fine gentleman. I meet Fred over 35 years ago and had various dealings with him.Most of you early collectors would remember him as one of the first dealers in the Jonesborough antique Mart. He like most of us upgraded throughout the years.. He will be missed by the older anitque community. Rest in Peace.. Here is a link to a few photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.767496843292157.1073741903.296745763700603&type=1 Partial listing- Coke store cooler, Orange Kist wood cooler, Oak icebox, lots of crocks, one drawer stand, Great oak Hoosier cabinets, Yarborough rocker, Victorian chest and chairs, marble top table, Howard Miller grandmother clock, Mission oak desk, Large set of Iron farm wheels, early decoy, depression glass, great kitchen gadgets, Oil paintings, chopping blocks, bottles. round oak table and chairs,Windsor chairs, Oak wall phone, candlestick phone, antique wood planes and other tools, oil lamp collection, Pie birds, Kentucky Derby glasses and pottery, Bowie knife, primitives, finished fodder chopper, oak bible tables, brass app;e butter kettles, walnut shadow box frames, contents of Fred's woodworking shop including tools, clamps, veneer, lumber, electric tools, limestone flooring, plus hundreds of items and great box lots. Cash or Check 10% BP. The sale will take place a the home. The woodworking ship will be moved to the home. The house is located one block off of the Bristol Highway behind Enterprise Car Rental. Turn left at Zeke's Market and then turn left on Mt. View. You are there. Preview 9:00 am Rain or chine our tents will be up,
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