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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009Time:1:00 pm This is the balance of an interesting Kpt. estate of a retired Col. in the Army. There is a lot of bric a brac. Not many antiques but items you need every day. This would be a good dealer sale. Listing- American Danish three part bookcase and tables, group of Army trunks and books from many different dates, New washer and dryer, Turkish brass and copper, New fax copier, New printer, large group of saltwater fishing gear, gadgets and tools for the handyman, some china and glass, pocket knives,leather office chair,file cabinets, new recliner, 1940 mah. desk, auto watch winder, fly rods, some military items, paintings and etchings,household and xmas items, Zennith portable shortwave radio, many estate box lots, long gun cases, electric hand tools, nice coffee table books, 1950s paper shotgun shells and early 22 shells, Tv, maple bookcase, lots of office supplies, paper shreaders, a lot of neat "guy types of items" and more. About a 80 minute auction. Terms =cash or check 10%bp This sale will be in our gallery
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