Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. - Auctioneer and Appraiser - TFL-1915
Antique Canes, Outsider Art, Fine Antiques and Estates
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Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022
Time:10:30 am (Preview 9:

Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction
Saturday February 26th 10:30 am (Preview 9:30 day of sale and 11 am till 1 pm Wed, Thu. and Friday before the auction- Absentee bids and phone bids can be set up at the previews in case some of you are still leery of the virus and want to pick up your purchases on Sunday or Monday)
125 West Market Street
Johnson City, Tennessee 37604

This is our first in-house auction since the virus began. Almost two years. We have been storing items from estates. It is time to open up. If you feel you need a mask please wear it but they are not now required. We welcome you all back. This will be a grand reopening auction.

Very Partial listing Collection of antique puppets, Country Jackson Press, over 100 pieces of Blue Willow ( many serving pieces) Collection of Heisey Glass including a large group of Pied Piper, Silver dollars, Uncle Toms Cabin Staffordshire pieces, curved glass china cabinet. Pair of matching Hendredon Corner Cabinets, Large selection of Estate handmade carpets from 5 x 7 to 11 x 14, double pedestal 10 foot dinning table, country store ice box, Japanese mud figures,
collection of nautical items and antique telescopes, Antique tapestries, brass bed 1900's, Sleigh bed, Victorian barber shop cabinet , oil paintings, Victorian hall tree, French desk, Meissen tea cups and trays, Rosenthal Garland china set, sets of Country Windsor chairs, Country stand up desk, formal Federal style desk,
Massive Japanese garden goldfish bowl, Very large collection of antique wood planes in perfect restored condition( this is really something to see) , Carved wooden cigar store Indian, Custom made Leather Provencal sofa ( original cost to 11k), some sterling flatware, antique slag glass electric Deco lamps, Fine Tennessee quilts, African American Bronzes, large selection of antique furniture ,some Victorian furniture, toy cannons, modern ammo, early dictionary floor model stand with massive dictionary, North Carolina 3 gallon snake jug, Cora Lee Tweed original pastel painting, Jack Daniels barrel, Jockey hitching post, Papago Indian basket, plus over 250 other items,

Terms- Cash or check. No credit cards. 10 % buyers fee and sales tax unless you have a resale tax certificate. Phone and absentee bids accepted. This is a live sale in-house not on line.

Kimball Sterling Auctioneer #2476


Photo Gallery
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Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7355.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7355.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7358.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7358.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7359.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7359.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7362.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7362.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7363.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7363.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7364.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7364.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7377.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - 7377.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - African_Aerican_Bronzes.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - African_Aerican_Bronzes.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Antique_Ivory_canes_sold_only_to_instate_bidders.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Antique_Ivory_canes_sold_only_to_instate_bidders.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Barber_Shop_Cabinet.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Barber_Shop_Cabinet.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Blue_Willow_over_100_pieces.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Blue_Willow_over_100_pieces.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Collection_of_Nautical_items_and_telescopes.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Collection_of_Nautical_items_and_telescopes.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Estate_Carpets.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Estate_Carpets.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Period_Furniture.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Period_Furniture.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Tennessee_Quilts.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Fine_Tennessee_Quilts.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - French_Furniture_and_a_Mud_Man_collection.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - French_Furniture_and_a_Mud_Man_collection.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Handmade_rugs_5_x7_to_11_x_14.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Handmade_rugs_5_x7_to_11_x_14.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Hendron_Corner_Cabinets.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Hendron_Corner_Cabinets.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Jewelry_Coins_pearls.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Jewelry_Coins_pearls.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Large_Collection__of_Woos_Planes.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Large_Collection__of_Woos_Planes.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Large_Japaneese_goldfish_garden_bowl.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Large_Japaneese_goldfish_garden_bowl.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Many_Fine_Painting.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Many_Fine_Painting.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Many_fine_restored_Antique_Planes.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Many_fine_restored_Antique_Planes.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Meissen_and_Rosenthal_Garland_China.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Meissen_and_Rosenthal_Garland_China.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - More_Blue_Willow.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - More_Blue_Willow.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - NASCAR_Autographed_pieces.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - NASCAR_Autographed_pieces.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Over_100_pieces_of_Pied_Pieper_Glassware.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Over_100_pieces_of_Pied_Pieper_Glassware.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Over_20_Antique_Puppets.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Over_20_Antique_Puppets.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Sets_of_Country_Windsor_Chairs.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Sets_of_Country_Windsor_Chairs.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Stafforedshire_Uncle_Toms_Cabin_Pieces.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Stafforedshire_Uncle_Toms_Cabin_Pieces.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Virginia_Patners_Desk.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Virginia_Patners_Desk.jpg
Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Wood_Planes.jpg Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction - Wood_Planes.jpg
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