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echo urldecode(strtoupper($var1));?> Date: Saturday, November 28, 2020Time:Noon ( Preview 11 am Barbara Frye Estate Auction Saturday November 28th Noon ( Preview 11 am) 266 Pamela Ct. Blountville Tn. This is a really nice local onsite estate auction that we were going to have in December but since we cancelled the Thanksgiving Saturday auction we have moved it up. Onsite auctions don't bother us much with the virus and social distancing is much easier, However you will be required to wear a mask at this auction anytime you are on the auction site. Plenty of room and we will all be in the beautiful East Tennessee open air. Bring a turkey sandwich because our concession will not be open. All items will be in the front yard and the driveway. This will be about a 90 minute auction. Partial listing: The best birds eye maple bedroom suite (ca. 1900) that we have ever seen in pristine condition, Two Victorian marble top walnut bedroom suites, fancy Victorian needlepoint fire screen, Edison cylinder player with a very large box of cylinders, Mahogany dinning room suite, Eastlake parlor suite, some oil paintings, oriental style carpets, oak sewing machine, spinning wheel, some crocks, Vintage coke tray, George Washington andirons, cast iron items, quilts, nice lots of vintage costume jewelry, country wash table, various kinds of glass, early Royal typewriter, basement full of unfinished furniture, and estate box lots .much more. Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax. Rain or shine. Our tent will be up. Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer #2476 For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available.
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